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Our Approach.

We believe that long-term recovery is possible in an environment that enables independence. All men can achieve lasting recovery when they are given the structure, support, tools and opportunities to find a deeper meaning and purpose for their life. 


We achieve this by offering a a program of personal responsibility and and spiritual growth blended with evidence-based therapy and structured living. In other words, we help men develop the self-esteem and self-worth necessary to make recovery sustainable by providing a supportive environment with rules and accountability and progressive independence. 


Our program emphasizes the importance of self-care through healthy living habits and activities that fosters an improved mind, body and spirit. 


Central to the men’s growth in our program and beyond our doors is the strength of our community. Clients form important bonds with each other, relying on and supporting each other just as they will when they graduate our program, progressing on to independent living and taking their place in the recovery community at large. 


Clients progress through our program by moving through a series of Phases that progressively hold men more accountable for their choices while giving them the freedom to make more independence decisions.

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